Streamline Your Path to a Custom Home

When you’re building a custom home, it’s easy to get bogged down in all the decisions you have to make before construction starts.

That’s where Hearn Custom Homes comes in.

Our Tyler, TX, custom home builder takes the time to find home designers that are the best in the business. We guide you through every stage to make sure your home plans turn out exactly the way you want.

Designing custom home blueprints is easy with Hearn Custom Homes by your side.

Contact Us

Design Your Own House Floor Plans

Initial Consultation

We listen to your home design ideas and match you with the best home designer for the project.


Our house-building contractor teams up with custom home designers who craft your home plans.

Final Blueprints

After you approve the house designs, we can get started building your dreams.

Custom Homes Designed with Your East Texas Property in Mind

Your dream home isn’t just about its design - it’s about the location, too.

Our custom home builder partners you with professional house designers who start by getting to know your property. This way, they can design a home that compliments your property - instead of clashes with it.

Whether you’re building on a ranch or in the piney woods, these designers seamlessly blend your design ideas with the natural beauty of your property.

Things to Consider When Designing Your Home

Think About Your Lifestyle

Consider how you and your family live day to day. Think about how your home's design can best support your lifestyle.

Use Space Wisely

Make the most of every room. Aim for a balance between functionality and flexibility to ensure your home works for you now and in the future.

Choose a Style You Love

Think about the look and feel you want for your home. Consider things like colors and overall design style.

Plan for Storage

Make sure you have enough storage space. Built-in storage solutions help make the most of your space.

Think Ahead

Anticipate your family’s future needs and plan for adaptability. Make sure your home can grow and change with you.